Rainbow Suite


Click the links below to see and hear each movement.

1. Red
2. Orange
3. Yellow
4. Green
5. Blue
6. Indigo
7. Violet

SKU: FM1269 Category:


A set of seven pieces – the colours of the rainbow. A mixture of moods and sentiments to represent each colour.
Red – Moderato. 2/4    Vigorous and fiery.
Orange – Allegro Swing. 4/4    A lazy swing with instruments playing in pairs.
Yellow – Allegretto. 3/4    The tempo slows down for this movement. The lead moves up and down the staves sharing the melody between the quartet.
Green – Moderato. 6/8    This hops and skips about the green fields.
Blue – Medium. 12/8    Dragging the weight of the world behind it. A really blue number. The bassoon playing the part of the plodding bass.
Indigo – Allegretto. 10/8    Although written in 10/8 time this piece is not five beats to a bar but rather a lilting four beats (3+3+2+2). This pattern gives it a swirling, almost dance like feel
Violet – Con moto. 6/4    This movement although not the most difficult is probably the most complicated with regard to both rhythm and harmony with the inner parts bubbling along playing quavers.

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