Three Lyrics


Click the links below to see and hear each movement.

First Movement
Second Movement
Third Movement

SKU: FM1166 Category:


Three Lyrics, written in memory of the oboist and teacher Douglas Heffer, was originally performed by his friends and colleagues at a concert at Dumpton School in Wimborne, Dorset. The music was set to words taken from an old 1938 book of ancient Chinese poetry and was sung, accompanied by an oboe and piano. This version titled just Lyrics is an arrangement of that original work – composed as a duet for oboe and clarinet in Bb accompanied by the piano. The first movement is flowing and depicts the countryside after rainfall. The second movement describes the mystery of an individual, an exotic flower seller whose name is not known. The third and final movement is more energetic and the poem that inspired the music describes the search for a grassy place where wine and song may be enjoyed after a busy week.

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