Rio Verde

Rio Verde


Click the links below to see and hear each movement.

1. Sorgenti – Sources
2. Le acque tra due Regioni – The Waters between two regions
3. La Piana del Verde – Across the Plain
4. Pronti per il grande salto – Ready for the big jump
5. Le Cascate del Verde – The Verde Waterfalls

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I wrote this piece to be performed at the tenth edition of my Summer Flute Course in Borrello, central Italy in 2018. Near to the town is a nature reserve with Italy’s highest natural waterfall, known as Le Cascate Del Verde. (The Verde Falls.) The movements are inspired by five stages of the river Verde, from its source to the falls, after which it heads off towards the sea.
I  “Sorgenti”  –  “The Springs” – The origins of the river in the Molise region
II “Le Acque tra due Regioni.”  “Flowing from one region into the next”- The Rio Verde enters the Abruzzo region.
III “La Piana del Verde”.  “Across the plain”  – The waters move sinuously  between the Municipalities of Rosello and Borrello.
IV  “Pronti per il Grande Salto”  “Ready for the big leap.” By forest paths and ancient  mills, the Verde prepares to give life to the spectacular falls.
V. “Le Cascate de Verde” –  “The Verde Waterfalls” – The River Verde performs a triple jump of 200 metres.

My thanks to my  fellow members of the Fluticity Quartet with whom I gave the first performance, Marzia Del Biondo, Lorenza Summonte and Gabriele Di Iorio.

Geoff Warren, Montesilvano, 2022.

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