

Click the links below to see and hear each piece in the book.

1. The Vicar’s Bicycle
2. Spring Hill
3. Monty’s Madness
4. Newburgh Nights
5. Prudence Through the Cellar
6. Top of the League
7. Potterton’s Painting
8. Tom’s Garden

SKU: FM1283 Category:


These eight sound pictures are based on some of my memories and experiences. Each of the pieces has a story and an illustration to help you visualise the scene. Remember – they are all very different and require a variety of tone colours and dynamics to make them come to life. I have had fun composing them and trying them on my oboe, and I hope you will also have fun playing Microlites.
RN – March 1995

The Vicar’s Bicycle – For three years our family lived in a little village called Maisemore, near the city of Gloucester. As my father was the vicar, he needed to visit his parishioners regularly. If the weather was good, he would leave the car in the garage, and ride around on his bicycle. You could not have bought a bicycle like his in the shops, because it was a unique machine which he had built himself from lots of spare parts. It had a character all of its own! In the music you will travel with him around the village, as he rides up and down the hills, ringing his bell.

Spring Hill – In the same village there was a hill, almost secret and hidden from view down near the River Severn. My sister and I would often explore the woods and the old windmill that pumped water up from the spring at the bottom of the hill. As the breeze stirred the mill sails, and sounds could be heard from the distant farm, we felt at peace and were always reluctant to return home!

Monty’s Madness – Monty is a black labrador dog. When he came to live with us as a puppy, he created a state of bedlam. He became very excited when my mother and I took him for his first walk on the hills behind our house. He wanted to investigate everything, all at once! Flowers, rabbits, cows, birds, bushes, butterflies… he wanted to meet them all! He quickly disappeared from view, and I wondered what he might be thinking as he found himself all alone in the great outdoors. In the middle part of this piece I have tried to show how Monty would have felt as he found us again, then carried on with his adventure.

Newburgh Nights – In a Sussex village there is pub of which my brother and I are rather fond, called the Newburgh Arms. On a cold winter’s night you can sit next to a roaring log fire and quietly drink and chat. Having lived in the village for six years I have become well established at the Newburgh and although times change I can still pop in there and enjoy a beer. This piece should be played in a gentle manner to give the listener the idea of two people relaxing with a drink after a hard day at work.

Prudence through the cellar – One day I was locked out of the house and tried to get in through the coal chute of our cellar. I was very scared because it was dark outside and there was no-one in the house. I slid and bumped my way down, then found myself being stared at by two glowing green eyes! Nervously, I fumbled for the light switch. When I finally managed to tum the light on, I found that the green staring eyes belonged to Prudence the cat. In this piece I have tried to convey that feeling of fright as I confronted those spooky eyes in the cold, dark cellar.

Top of the League – I am a keen football fanatic and a few years ago my football team won the league. During the season I managed to see a lot of games and I was amazed by the number of different chants I heard. In this piece I have tried to link a few of these chants together, along with the feeling of excitement that a good game can generate.

Potterton’s Painting – This piece comes from Bryher, one of the islands that make up the Scillies. There lives Chris Potterton, an artist who specialises in abstract paintings based on local landscapes. I first met Chris in 1993 and I was so impressed by his paintings that I decided to write some music based on them. I have in fact now written several pieces, but this one is, I think, my favourite. The music does not represent any one picture, but attempts to give a feeling of the artist working hard in the open air.

Tom’s Garden – Tom lives in Slindon in Sussex and he is often to be seen leaning on his gate watching the world go by. Behind him is his wonderful garden with rows and rows of vegetables and flowers. His garden shed is like a little castle overlooking the whole scene, and in summertime Tom will often sit in his deckchair, surveying the scene, while he claims to be working! The music is based on such a summer scene, with birds singing while Tom tends his garden.

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