Les Baratineurs

Les Baratineurs


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Les Baratineurs

SKU: FM703 Categories: ,


A light-hearted divertissement for wind trio, with a soft centre, this was premiered by the award-winning London Myriad Ensemble in 2017. For those not familiar with the French term ‘baratineur’, it can mean a ‘smooth talker’ or a ‘windbag’. Feel free to choose your preferred interpretation. The opening bars provide all the material which appears in various guises as the piece unfolds. During the initial joviality, the instruments display different characteristics, ranging from stubborn pomposity and a garrulous complacency that compete with the arrival of an excitable newcomer. The music then takes a sudden turn and becomes sadder in tone, as if something unforeseen and unfortunate has cast a shadow over the conversation. This lasts for a while before the opening high spirits return and the characters say their ‘au revoirs’.

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