Grass Shoots Through Concrete

Grass Shoots Through Concrete


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Grass Shoots Through Concrete

SKU: FM1013 Category:


‘Grass Shoots Through Concrete’ is a clarinet quartet to be performed with a pre-recorded rhythm backing. It was composed during the Covid-19 lockdown of 2020 and is a light hearted take on the drudgery of daily lockdown (hence the musical directions at the beginning) and what it ‘might’ feel like when/if we ever go back to normal. That would be where the samba kicks in!
The piece was due to be premiered on Feb 19th, 2021 as part of the Bishopsgate Institutes Lunchtime Concert/Live Stream series that during the pandemic, provided a cultural lifeline to many performing artists under the inspired leadership of their Chief Executive, Francesca Canty. It will now receive it’s live debut when restrictions permit.
Please feel free to overact the sighs and perhaps slouch in your chair to represent the pure lethargy (and even despair) of our entire industry shutting down overnight but ALWAYS stick with the backing. When the samba section starts, remember, everything is all ok and back to normal. At the time of writing, that’s still a lonnnng way off…
Finally, for the technical minded, the piece works equally well as a multi-track project for the clarinet player in isolation. However you play it, please have fun with the performance and I wish you all the very best of luck getting through this most horrible of times.

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