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Georgian Miniatures
Ernest Tomlinson always enjoyed the music of the English 18th century composer, Thomas Arne, and felt that his music was unjustly neglected. In the early 1950s he made an orchestral suite using keyboard pieces by Arne which he called A Georgian Suite. Later, he was asked by one of his publishers to produce some background music in the Georgian style and he composed a suite which he called Georgian Miniatures. (He also later composed an individual orchestral piece called A Georgian Miniature just to add to the confusion!) When his daughter, Hilary, asked him if he had any suitable pieces that could be arranged for her flute quartet he immediately thought of his Georgian Miniatures suite and arranged it for her. The suite was first performed at a concert in Settle, Yorkshire, by four flautists from Settle Orchestra, and remains a firm favourite. If played by a group of four flautists of similar ability it is fun to change part for each movement, as was done in the first performance, so that each player gets a turn at playing tune and harmony parts.