

Click the links below to see and hear the pieces in the book.

1. Swing for Clarinet
2. Claret for the Clarinet?
3. Andante Calmato
4. The Dark Side
6. Vigoroso

SKU: FM1054 Category:


A collection of 5 pieces for Clarinet and Piano, ranging from the gentle ‘Andante Calmato’ to the energetic ‘Vigoroso in 4’. ‘Claret for the Clarinet’ is a fun piece, imitating the unsteadiness experienced by others after one glass too many, whilst ‘The Dark Side’ takes us to a different place entirely, it’s many twists of melody and implied atonal harmonies. Clarinettist and Pianist alike will enjoy communicating these pieces, either as part of a programme, or as colourful encores.

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