Cinematic Sketches

Cinematic Sketches


Click the links below to hear the movements.

1. Dance
2. Silent Comedy
3. Film Noir
4. Heroes and Villains

SKU: FM694 Categories: ,


Four Cinematic Sketches These four movements for bass clarinet and piano were written in 2010, in an unapologetic parody of various film score styles.

1. Dance Think Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers – an intimate scene opening slowly from a gentle dance, through a ‘stop time’ tap section into a grand, ballroom waltz; the orchestra revealed from behind the set as the couple mirror each other in every step and move.

2. Silent Comedy Charlie Chaplain, Buster Keaton; take your pick for this skittish, light hearted romp. Our comic character saunters through life, oblivious to the near misses as cars hurtle past, buildings collapse around him, and evil characters plot his demise with dynamite and booby traps!

3. Film Noir The scene: a seedy ‘down town’ Manhattan bar. It’s 3am and the room is still heavy with smoke from the now departed crowd of drinkers. One couple remain; oblivious to the musicians who must play until they leave. Weary and disillusioned, they improvise a slow blues.

4. Heroes and Villains Harrison Ford. Car chases, fight scenes, Svengali-like villains. It’s all here! A lively finale to this quadtych. Enjoy!

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