Quartets for Young Zoologists

Quartets for Young Zoologists


Click the links below to see and hear the pieces.

1. Quartet for Little Animals
2. Quartet for Waltzing Penguins
3. Quartet for Rock Lobsters

SKU: FM1237 Category:


1.     Quartet for Little Animals – This simple yet melodic quartet is a great way for beginning students on the instrument to dive right in and discover the joys of ensemble playing. It divides up one easy melody amongst the four players, before bringing everyone in together at the end of each section. Rhythms are kept very simple, and dynamics and articulations basic.
2.     Quartet for Waltzing Penguins – Somewhat more challenging than the first quartet, this little waltz gives a bit more opportunity for 4-part ensemble playing, whilst practising some inner harmonic lines.  The basic melody is divided amongst the players in shorter phrases, creating a bit more need for independent counting of bars and listening to the other parts. Light staccato attacks will keep the delicate nature of this piece intact.
3.     Quartet for Rock Lobsters – Progressing in difficulty yet another step, this jazz rock tune combines a funky riff which gradually becomes a bit more harmonically complex, before resorting back to its original unison state.  Along the way, there are a couple of opportunities for more challenging solo lines. Precise articulations and slurs, as well as clear dynamics, are key to making this a truly powerful statement. Although Rock Lobsters was originally composed to be played without accompaniment, there is an optional electric bass part included, and a drum kit could be added if desired.

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